The picturesque seaside village of Kilkee celebrated its second annual Kilkee by the sea that saw thousands of families enjoy the summer fun in the seaside village.
There was a sand castle competition for all ages with prizes for top builders, there was boat and water craft safety talks, bouncy castles and lots of other family fun throughout the weekend at the Band Stand.
Saturday afternoon, the festival moved the action to the East End Pier and Kilkee’s Boat and Fishing Club for some high flying and fast action water shows.
Coming to Kilkee from around the world are a host of male and female jet boarders. One of the amazing athletes coming to Kilkee by the sea summer festival is Hawaii 5-0 Hollywood stuntman Scotty Knemeyer.
There was music fun and BBQ on the pier before the highlight of the weekend, an amazing fireworks display Saturday night.
Check out this amazing selection of photos from Sean Curtin True Media.