Water Babies, Ireland’s leading baby and toddler swim school will launch Saturday classes between 9am and 10.30 in Hotel Woodstock in Ennis, in advance of the Autumn term which starts on August 31st.
It’s the first time that Water Babies will have weekend classes in Clare. Water Babies also run classes on Thursdays at Hotel Woodstock.
Lisa Cobbe who runs Water Babies classes in Ennis and Limerick said “Babies love swimming! It’s one of the few things they can do from birth, and it feels entirely natural to them – as they’ve just spent nine months in the womb! Because they’re free of the restrictions of gravity, and able to use muscles they’d never use until they start rolling, crawling, walking and running, babies love the sense of freedom water gives them. And whilst the emphasis in lessons is often on strengthening the bond between parent and child, swimming from birth is also excellent for their development.”
Baby swimming is academically proven to have a number of physical, mental and emotional benefits. By the time they start school, children who have been to structured swimming classes in the early years were found to be ahead of their non-swimming peers by 11 months when it comes to oral expression. As well as helping to significantly impact little ones’ strength and co-ordination, baby swimming has also been proven to boost confidence and stimulate positive emotions.
Despite looking gentle, swimming provides a complete physical workout. It strengthens the heart, lungs and respiratory system which, in turn, aids the development of the brain. During their first year of life, a baby’s brain grows more rapidly than at any other time, with every movement they make helping to strengthen this growth. The exercises at Water Babies classes teach water confidence – gentle rocking, reaching for objects, kicking movements, and learning to respond to voice commands – provide the perfect stimulation for a baby’s brain.
What’s more, the cross lateral movement of reaching out for bright swim toys in the pool is the same one used in crawling, and teaches both sides of the brain to work together. Not only is this great for enhancing hand-eye coordination, but it also strengthens nerve pathways between the two sides, helping the brain store and retrieve information more effectively – all great for learning!”
Enjoying a swim, with all these added benefits, is a great reason to try Water Babies at one of their free taster classes! Swim over to www.waterbabies.ie to discover what’s so fantastic about baby swimming – and find a class that suits you!
To a reserve a place for your baby at a Water Babies Taster class in Ennis or Limerick please call Lisa Cobbe and her lovely team on (091) 388256 or email her on surfing @waterbabies.ie