Ireland’s favourite force of nature, Éanna Ní Lamhna, is on a mission to open our hearts and minds to our wonderful, wild world – to help us find the balance between our needs and the future of our precious planet.
‘Our Wild World’ is a timely new book, looking at the challenges that face our natural world, and why we need to understand it, in order to save it, and ourselves. An accessible, informative, lively read for young and old.
Éanna Ní Lamhna is one of the best-known public figures in Ireland, in particular as a biologist, environmental and wildlife consultant, radio and television presenter, author and educator. Éanna has one of the most instantly recognisable voices on Irish radio and has been for many years a member of the panel of experts on RTÉ’s wildlife programme ‘Mooney goes Wild’. She also served for five years as president of the national environmental charity An Taisce, and is currently president of the Tree Council of Ireland. Originally from Louth, she now lives in Dublin.
Éanna is the author of several popular wildlife books, including Talking Wild, Wild and Wonderful, Straight Talking Wild, Wild Things at School and Wild Dublin: Exploring Nature in the City, shortlisted for the Reading Association of Ireland Award.
In her inimitable style, she tackles the questions we all need to ask:
How exactly does our wild world work? Why do we need to care now more than ever?
Where do the swallows go in winter? And, more importantly, why do they come back?
Why are all these spiders in my house anyway?
What did happen to the hole in the ozone layer?
Are climate change and global warming the same thing?
Are genetic engineering and windfarms really the way forward?