
Burren documentary to be aired across US

An Irish documentary about the Burren is set to be broadcast on US television, with a potential reach of 200 million people.

Striking memoir of Republican MƔire Comerford

On Dangerous GroundĀ is the revolutionary period memoir of Republican MĆ”ire Comerford (1893ā€“1982).

GALLERY: 1917 Mountjoy hunger strike commemoration

On Sunday 14th November, prison officers commemorated the men who took part in one of the most significant events in the struggle for independence ā€“ the 1917 Mountjoy hunger strike.

Unique Irish Prison Service Commemoration in Ennis

This weekend, and for the first time in their history, the Irish Prison Service will take part in a unique commemoration ceremony.

‘Joe Keneally ā€“ Child of 1921’ Zoom event

Cuimhneamh an ChlĆ”ir, theĀ voluntary group that digitally records, archives and shares the memories, folklore, traditions and oral history of county Clare, will host a special event on Tuesday featuring Joe Kenneally.
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Decade of Centenaries event in Miltown Malbay

Oidhreacht an ChlĆ”ir presents a lecture, The War of Independence: events in Miltown Malbay and district, 1920-21 by Dr PĆ”draig Ɠg Ɠ Ruairc this evening (Saturday, October 16) at 8.00pm in the Community Centre, Miltown Malbay.

NUIG project recognised internationally

A project which saw over 200 archival terms entered into the Irish language lexicon earlier this year, has now led to those terms being officially recognized by the International Council on Archives.

Mac Conmara’s new book on Scariff Martyrs set for...

A new book telling the story of The Scariff Martyrs will be launched this week by award-winning Clare oral historian, TomƔs Mac Conmara.