
Increase in number of Rural Social Scheme places in...

For the first time in eleven years, there has been an increase in the numbers of Rural Social Scheme places in Clare.

5 deaths on Clare farms since 2012

One person has died per year since 2014 in farm related accidents in Co Clare.

Census for sheep and goats is this Saturday

Over 44,000 sheep and goat keepers registered on the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s database have received their Annual Sheep and/or Goat Census 2016 forms.

Clare machinery dealer assisting farmers on tight budgets

A Co Clare based farm machinery dealer has unveiled a new finance offer designed to help farmers.

Breen concerned at level of farm deaths

Up to thirty local farmers accompanied Clare TD Pat Breen on a farm safety walk in Kilrush on Monday.
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Clare farmers receive over €45m from scheme

Over €45 million has been allocated to 5,899 cases in Clare under the Basic Payment Scheme.

Motorist uninjured after colliding with stray cows

A motorist had a lucky escape on Sunday night after his car collided with and killed two cows on a busy road in Co Clare.

Low cost loans to benefit farmers says Carey

€150 million will be made available to primary agriculture enterprises including farmers in a new scheme.