
Preliminary report into fatal Miltown Malbay hang glider crash...

The Air Accident Investigation Unit of the Department of Transport has issued a preliminary report in the an accident that claimed the life of...

Flight diverts to Shannon with suspected fuel leak

A transatlantic jet has made an emergency landing at Shannon Airport this afternoon after the crew reported a suspected fuel leak. United Airlines flight UA-928...

Probe into helicopter incident at Shannon Airport

An investigation is expected to be launched into an incident at Shannon Airport early today when a helicopter suffered difficulties while landing.

Flight diverted to Dublin was due in Shannon

A transatlantic flight that was forced to divert to an airport in Canada and was then expected to divert to Shannon later landed at Dublin Airport.

Fumes force jet to divert to Shannon

A transatlantic passenger jet has made an emergency landing at Shannon Airport this evening after the crew reported “fumes in the cabin.”
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Passengers to continue journey after mid-air emergency

A transatlantic passenger jet has diverted to Shannon Airport this afternoon after the crew declared an emergency shortly after taking off from Edinburgh.

AAIU issues report in Shannon Airport incident

The Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU) of the Department of Transport has issued its final report into an incident at Shannon Airport in 2019 when the nose gear of light aircraft collapsed after landing

Drone pilot and operator training for Shannon

A memorandum of understanding to collaborate for EASA pilot and operator training and certification in Shannon has been signed by Spright and Avtrain.