
‘Comp’ wins Best Stand Alone Project

St. Patrcik’s Comprehensive School has won Best Stand Alone Project winners in the Walk in My Shoes Mission Possible Awards.

Top stars in live Zoom chats for Lighthouse project

The Lighthouse Peer Support Centre in Kilrush is running a virtual music club each Wednesday featuring well-known Irish music artists.

Plan to set up ‘Buddy Communities’ across Ireland

In light of the mental health crisis arising out of Covid-19, Cycle Against Suicide is calling on communities to prioritise peer support.

Anger at ‘insensitive’ April fools suicide post

Local tourism groups in Doolin, along with members of the general public, have expressed anger at a post on Facebook yesterday appearing to make fun of tragic deaths at the Cliffs of Moher.

Virtual Life Skills Programme open for registration

Aware, Ireland’s leading organisation providing support, education and information services for people impacted by anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder today announced that its popular Life Skills Group Programme is now available to attend in a virtual group setting.
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‘Let’s Get Talking’ opens new outreach in Midwest

Let’s Get Talking Counselling and Psychotherapy open a new outreach to support the demand for access to mental health services in the Midwest.

‘Here Comes The Sun’ helps students

The cyber world has many advantages when it comes to providing students with opportunities to be innovative, creative and expressive.

Samaritans listened for almost 73,000 hours during Covid

Samaritans’ volunteers listened for almost 73,000 hours during the Covid-19 pandemic as thousands of people contacted the helpline for emotional support. 