

30th Simply Said writings launched

The 30th Simply Said book of learner writings was launched recently at glór in Ennis.

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This annual event is a celebration of learners work over the past year within Limerick and Clare Education and Training (LCETB) Centres across Co. Clare. Clare Adult Basic Education Service (CABES) staff encouraged learners to create stories, poems or prose and to put these thoughts into print.

There was a large attendance on the night, with Ennis Brass Band providing a wonderful selection of tunes in glorious sunshine outside glór.

This year there was a bumper number of contributors with 173 articles published. A wide range of individual topics are covered with something for everyone to identify with.

Learners were celebrated by John Burke founder of Elevate Charity who officially launched the 2019 Simply Said Book and wished everyone success in their writing, letter by letter, word by word. He compared his recent feat where he climbed Mount Everest in a similar way stating that it is a step by step approach, even when the going gets tough and you feel like giving up.  Felicity Hayes McCoy, a UK based author sent a digital video recording where she shared her very positive thoughts on the learners work.  This year the book is available in a digital version.

Nine learners shared their stories or poems in front of the large audience in Glór. Music was provided by a group of learners from Scarriff, and Margreat Khalil, CABES tutor who played guitar.

CABES LCETB would like to thank all the students who contributed their stories, volunteer tutors who supported them and CABES staff who work very hard to put the book together and host the event this year. Well done to all involved.

To mark the 30th issue of Simply Said, a piece of art was commissioned. Art Teacher Marie Madden facilitated a number of CABES classes across north, south, east and west Clare.

Learners worked on individual ceramic 10cm x 10cm tiles to tell their story in less than six words and created an image to reflect the story. These tiles were put together in one large mosaic framed piece. This was officially launched at the Simply Said event in Glór on Monday evening. Each of the tiles is an individual work of art, showing the interests and thoughts of the learners. The art will be on tour from September visiting the Further Education and Training Centres across Co. Clare.

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