

Exhibition showcases portrait images of LGBTQ+ community

A compelling collection of portrait photographs of LGBTQ+ community members from across County Clare will be on display in Ennis over the coming weeks.

Captured over a single day during Clare’s Pride celebrations earlier this year, the photographs will humanise the LGBTQ+ experience and inspire meaningful connections.

Quare Clare, the Banner County’s LGBTQIA+ group, is launching this exhibition to shine a light on the LGBTQ+ community in Clare and increase visibility and understanding. These powerful portraits celebrate individuality and demonstrate the diversity within the Clare community.

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The exhibition launch will take place at 6.30pm on Thursday December 19th in De Valera Library in Ennis. All are welcome to join Quare Clare and their allies for Christmas treats and chats at the launch. Tea, coffee and alcohol free mulled wine will also be served.

The portraits will remain on display upstairs in the library until close of business on Saturday January 4th 2025.

Karina Murray of QuareClare said: “As a Clare native who struggled to come out in my teens and twenties being part of this exhibition was an empowering experience for me. It’s not just about visibility—it’s about showing the county who we are and breaking down barriers of misunderstanding and prejudice which I think need to be addressed in this county. I’m looking forward to the launch and hope that other community members and our allies will come out to join us on the day.”

To find out more, visit Quare Clare’s social media channels or email

This exhibition is supported by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

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