The Health Information and Quality Authority has reported that during an unannounced inspection January this year, Cahercalla Community Hospital was found to be non-compliant under 12 regulations.
Cahercalla Community Hospital and Hospice was experiencing an outbreak of Covid-19 at the time of the inspection.
Inspectors observed residents with complex health care needs associated with their diagnosis of Covid-19, spending extended periods of time alone in their bedroom with no evidence of clinical monitoring or nursing supervision.
One resident remained was found to have been in an isolation unit for five days longer than required.
Other residents reported waiting extended periods of time for their call bells to be answered.
HIQA inspectors observed some kind and respectful interactions between staff and residents and, some residents reported that staff treated them with kindness and respect.
However, the report notes that inspectors also observed staff speaking with residents in a “disrespectful and abrupt manner” and talking over residents, not giving them time to speak.
It says the care of residents was negatively affected by “an institutional approach to staffing” which favoured staff preferences over resident’s needs.
The report concludes that notwithstanding the restrictions in place during the COVID-19 outbreak, what residents told the inspectors and what the inspectors observed were “symptomatic of a lack of insight into what constitutes a good service and a lack of supervision to ensure that staff deliver a good service”.
In a statement this evening, the board of Cahercalla said it fully accepts the finding of this HIQA report.
“The inspection was carried out at a time when Cahercalla was at its lowest ebb while dealing with a substantial Covid 19 outbreak which involved 25% of residents and resulted in 25% of staff being absent on Covid related leave. The main focus of management and staff at this time was to deliver the basic needs of residents to ensure proper nutrition and hydration, proper medication supervision and to limit the spread of Covid 19 infection.
Cahercalla regrets that it was not compliant HIQA regulations during this inspection. Cahercalla is in regular contact with HIQA and works closely with HIQA to develop management structures to comply with necessary regulations.”
“A new management structure is now in place since 22/02/2021 which has substantially addressed the non compliance issues and is delivering new supports and training for staff to provide excellent care to residents at Cahercalla. A recent HIQA inspection of 16/03/2021, as yet unpublished, has determined that non compliance has been substantially addressed and the care and welfare of residents is being safeguarded. The Covid 19 outbreak is now over and all residents and staff have been vaccinated allowing Cahercalla to accept new admissions.
Cahercalla would like to thank all staff who worked tirelessly during this very traumatic time. We also appreciate the support received from HIQA and the HSE Covid Response Unit which provided invaluable assistance in overcoming our difficulties,” the statement added.