

Gardaí investigating Kinvara body discovery

Gardaí are investigating the discovery of a body on the coastline in south Co Galway this afternoon.

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The office of the State Pathologist has been notified and requested to conduct a post-mortem examination of the remains which are believed to be that of a woman. Gardaí have confirmed that the outcome of that examination will determine the course of their investigation.

Gardaí were alerted at around 11.30am on Tuesday after a person out walking reported finding a body washed up at Doorus north of Kinvara. Gardaí responded to the scene and on arrival found a body on the shoreline. Gardaí requested assistance from the fire service to help reach and recover the remains.

Units of Galway Fire and Rescue Service from Gort station travelled to the scene at around 1.30pm and assisted with recovering the body. Crews had to carry the body over an embankment and back to the road before it was removed to the mortuary at University Hospital Galway where a post-mortem examination will be carried out. Gardaí are now working to confirm an identity for the body which is believed to have been in the water for at least a week.

A Garda spokesman said: “Gardaí at Gort are investigating following the discovery of human remains in Kinvara, Co Galway. The discovery was made at approximately 11.30am this morning by a person walking near the shoreline.  The remains, understood to be that of a female, have been removed to the mortuary at UCHG.

The local Coroner was notified and the Office of the State Pathologist have been requested to conduct a post-mortem examination. Efforts to identify the deceased are ongoing and the outcome of the post-mortem will determine the course of the Garda investigation.”

Gardaí say that no further information is available at this time.

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