Obair Newmarket on Fergus and Shannon Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with the Rural Development Directorate of Clare County Council, will host an opportunity for Shannon-based companies to meet with young people from Newmarket on Fergus and surrounding areas at the Obair offices in Newmarket on Fergus on Wednesday, 23rd January from 7.00pm to 8.00pm.
Companies, ranging from aviation, life sciences and innovation and Autonomous Modular manufacturing will discuss employment and training opportunities available to young people in their area. Information on apprenticeships, internal training and job prospects will also be discussed with young people considering their future options, as well as those who have recently left school and would like to avail of work in the Shannon area.
This is the first time Shannon Chamber, Clare County Council and local community organisations have joined forces to offer new ways to support young people in the communities of Clare.
Parents and Youth Workers are welcome to attend and young people can submit questions for the companies in advice of the event. There will be an opportunity to hear about the real life experience of someone who has entered training. Participants will also avail of access to information on recruitment and applications processes, as well as links to potential new future opportunities.
Potential for Company Participants:
– Opportunity to link directly with potential employees and develop links in local community.
– Link school leavers into employment/ training with your company.
– Foster long term loyalty
– Corporate Social Responsibility: employees have an opportunity to share their experience and learning with young people and create space for exiting new opportunities.
– Ripple Effect: local employment generates finances in local economy, leading to additional business growth for small medium enterprises in the area, contributing long term to investment in the area.
Potential for Youth Participants:
– Meet future employers.
– Learn about training and apprenticeships in your area.
– Links to companies with potential for advancement and career development in the future.
– Learn about skills you can acquire.
– Get information on applying for roles.
– Get information to support your choices for your future.