

LEO launches #LookforLocal campaign

This year the Local Enterprise Offices are urging consumers to continue their support of local businesses when they are shopping for products, services and experiences for Christmas.

Since the outbreak of Covid 19, the support of local consumers buying from their local businesses has played a key role in ensuring these businesses survive and continue to provide an invaluable service to our local communities.

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The Look for Local campaign, supported by Enterprise Ireland and the Local Authorities, aims to highlight the importance of continuing to support our local businesses.

Every €10 spent locally on Irish products generates more than €40 of benefit to the local community in terms of employment, according to a recent ISME Shop Local Report Research has shown that Irish consumers were 83% more likely to look local for products and services in 2021.

Launching the new campaign, An Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, Cllr. P.J. Ryan said that it is more important than ever to look for local and support the small businesses in Co. Clare.

“We’re hoping for a really busy Christmas for our small businesses across the county. Over one million people are employed by a small business in Ireland more than the public sector and multi-nationals combined. I encourage everyone to support these jobs and look for local in their own community,” he added.

Padraic McElwee, Head of Enterprise Clare said that since the onset of Covid-19, the Local Enterprise Offices have been working closely with small businesses across the country to help sustain them with financial supports, training, mentoring and consultancy for all areas of their business.

“Every Euro you spend with a local business is an investment in the community around it and the quality of goods, services and experiences on our doorstep is second to none. Not only that but it makes a positive environmental, economic and societal impact,” Padraic McElwee said.

“This Christmas we are asking everyone to Look for Local and support businesses and jobs in our communities,” he added. #LookforLocal

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