LIT along with their consortium partner AIT, has been awarded €1 million euro funding for their participation in the Regional University Network European University (RUN-EU) initiative.
Both institutes will receive the funds under the performance funding awards, announced today by the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris.
A total of €5 million has been awarded to higher education institutions under the performance fund, in recognition of their innovative programmes to help create a better society.
Speaking about the funding, Vice President for Research Development and Innovation and RUN-EU project leader at LIT Dr Liam Brown said, “We very much welcome with the announcement made by Minister Harris today. This funding will allow us to further develop partnerships between the RUN EU consortium partners in delivering the project mission.
“The education landscape across Europe is changing. Strengthening strategic partnerships across the EU between higher education institutions and encouraging the emergence of ‘European Universities’ is one of the flagship initiatives of the EU’s ambitions to build a European Education Area. The Regional University Network-European University (RUN-EU) consists of bottom-up network of like-minded regional universities from across Europe which will enable our students to obtain a degree by combining studies in our campuses spread across our consortium and contribute to the international competitiveness of our RUN-EU European University,” he continued.
Head of Research and Technology Transfer and RUN-EU project leader at LIT, Dr Paudie Murray said, “RUN-EU will be transformative for our students and our regions. We will promote and develop joint student-centred, challenge and work-based flexible learning activities, including Short Advanced Programmes, European Degrees and our research Discovery Program, through collaborative and innovative inter-university and interregional approaches to higher education, research and innovation.”
From October 1, LIT and AIT will form the new Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest.

The institutes will each receive €0.5 million on the basis of two separate case studies on their participation in the Regional University Network European University (RUN-EU) initiative.
LIT was awarded for its work at actively engaging with the European Universities Initiative (EUI), which envisages Europe as a global hub of education and will enable a new generation of Europeans to cooperate across borders, languages and disciplines and thus develop a stronger European identity.
Speaking today, Minister Harris said, “I would like to congratulate the successful institutions on submitting high quality case studies that provide us with a snapshot of some of the exciting and innovative initiatives ongoing in higher education.
“The institutions receiving awards today are clearly making a positive and significant impact on Irish society, in areas such as inclusion and gender equality, leadership and sustainability, and are helping create an Ireland that is progressive, and one in which every person has the same opportunities to reach their potential.”
The awards were determined on the basis of an evaluation of 21 Impact Case Studies submitted by higher education institutions (HEIs) to the Higher Education Authority (HEA) in March 2021.
IT Carlow, MTU, NUIG and UCC also received the funding in recognition of their positive performance.