An Garda Síochána will be implementing a massive traffic management plan for the funeral of rugby great Anthony Foley.
The remains of Anthony Foley will be reposing in St. Flannan’s church Killaloe from 1pm to 8:30pm sharp today Thursday 20th October 2016. The funeral mass will take place at 12 noon tomorrow, Friday 21st October at the same church with burial after in Relig Lua Killaloe.
A one way system will be in place around Killaloe along the R463 with the junction of Killaloe Bridge, to Abbey St. Covent Hill, right onto Crossroads, Thomas St. Chapel Street, left onto New St. and back onto the main Scariff road – R463.

To enable the free flowing of the one way system the following junctions will be closed off to traffic;
- New Street/ Main Street junction
- Thomas/Chapel Street junction
- St. Flannan’s Rd/ Main Street junction
- St Flannan’s Rd/ Covent Hill junction
- New Street/ Ogonnelloe Rd. Junction
- The Green/ main Killaloe square will be free of all traffic Thursday/ Friday
Funeral vehicular traffic coming from the Birdhill Road/M7 direction WILL NOT BE permitted to proceed over Killaloe bridge with three park and ride locations along the Birdhill to Ballina Rd. serviced by buses bringing persons to Ballina from where they will cross the bridge and make their way to Killaloe Church. Only non-funeral local traffic will be permitted to cross the bridge.