

Clare Civil Defence drone team locates missing man

A man in his 60s, reported missing in a wooded area in Co Galway last night, was found safe and well by Civil Defence volunteers using drone technology.

A major multi-agency land and air search was mounted after the man was reported missing at Garryland, on the western side of Coole Park Nature Reserve near Gort, where a back entrance to the popular amenity is also located.

It’s understood that a couple had gone walking with their two dogs and became separated as it turned dark. The man is understood to have become disoriented while the woman is believed to have managed to make her way some distance back to the carpark and raised the alarm.

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Gardaí initially commenced a search at around 8.00pm and requested additional support from Civil Defence, the Irish Coast Guard and SARDA, the Search and Rescue Dog Association (Ireland).

Galway Civil Defence personnel made their way to the scene and sought support from volunteer colleagues from Clare Civil Defence. Volunteers from Ballinasloe and Loughrea also attended.

A volunteer SARDA team was also dispatched to the area while Coast Guard personnel from Killaloe in Clare also mobilised land search and drone teams as well as an all-terrain vehicle (ATV).

While a significant ground effort was launched, Civil Defence personnel from Galway and Clare launched drones with thermal imaging capability and commenced an aerial search of the area.

In the meantime, a helicopter from the Garda Air Support Unit was also requested to assist in the search.

A helicopter from the Garda Air Support Unit was also involved in the search

The Irish Coast Guard has confirmed the Sligo-based helicopter, Rescue 118, was also tasked to the scene but later stood down. The Shannon-based Irish Coast Guard helicopter, Rescue 115, operated by new contractor Bristow Ireland, is not currently undertaking nighttime search and rescue operations.

Shortly after midnight, a drone operated by Clare Civil Defence personnel detected a possible target in the forestry. As a Garda helicopter was due in the area around the same time, Civil Defence members had to land their drone for safety reasons. Personnel made their way by vehicle and foot to the location where they believed the missing man to be. They were followed very soon afterwards by a SARDA volunteer and their dog.

On arriving in the area, cries for help were heard and the man and his two dogs were quickly located. Found to be wet and cold, the man was otherwise unharmed. He was assessed by medics from Galway Civil Defence and was later transported home.

A Garda spokesman confirmed: “Following unsuccessful attempts to locate or contact the man by phone, and with darkness falling and weather conditions deteriorating rapidly – heavy rain and hail – he was reported missing to Gardaí at around 7:15pm by the other person.

At this point, the missing man had lost his phone and was unable to make his way out of the dense forestry in the poor conditions. Gardaí arrived at the scene and immediately began a ground search where the man was last seen, which was coordinated by Sergeant John Cunningham of Gort Garda Station.”

Inspector Stan O’Grady of Gort Garda Station said: “This was an exceptional result for everyone concerned. Without the determination of members on the ground, and the very effective cooperation between the different agencies, this could have had a very different outcome.

“The man has expressed his great appreciation and admiration for the work carried out by the emergency services.”

Chief Superintendent Gerry Roche of the Galway Garda Division added: “This was a wonderful outcome. I want to praise the hard work and dedication of members of An Garda Síochána and the other agencies who were out in very challenging conditions last night and who worked exceptionally well together.”

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