

Permanent relocation of Ennis vaccination centre

As Christmas approaches, 13 walk-in clinics are being held across the three Mid-West COVID-19 Centres up to December 23rd, delivering vaccine booster doses for people aged 40 and older, and primary Dose 1&2 vaccines for anyone yet to receive a vaccine.

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These extended half-day and full-day walk-in clinics are being held to meet public demand for booster vaccines, and as part of the national effort to maximise the population’s immunity in view of the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 Omircon variant, and continued prevalence of the virus’s Delta variant

County Clare residents should note that from this Wednesday, the Clare COVID-19 Vaccination Centre is permanently relocating from the former outpatients department at Ennis Hospital to Treacy’s West County Hotel, which will immediately triple the Clare capacity for walk-in clinics.

Clare walk-in clinics for the 40+ years age group will begin at the West County at 3.30pm on December 22nd. The walk-in clinics scheduled for the former outpatients department at Ennis Hospital today and tomorrow (December 20 and 21) will still run in that location. Until close of business this Thursday, anyone notified to attend a scheduled clinic at the former outpatients department should attend that location as notified.

In view of the exceptional demand for COVID-19 vaccine boosters, people should note that if they are eligible for vaccination, they can attend a walk-in clinic at any of the three vaccination centres in Limerick, Clare or Tipperary, regardless of their county of residence,

Anyone attending the Limerick centre should note for their convenience the free shuttle-bus service, running daily between the Southcourt Hotel, Raheen, and centre at Scoil Carmel, every half-hour between 8am and 7.30pm. Limited parking is available on-site, and there is additional parking at the nearby former Moloney’s Garage at Punch’s Cross, from which there is easy pedestrian access to Scoil Carmel.

Walk-in clinics are running in our centres at the following days and times over the next four days:


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