

Relics of St. Bernadette of Lourdes to visit Killaloe Diocese

This September and October, the relics of St Bernadette will journey on pilgrimage to Ireland for the very first time, visiting every diocese in the country.

The International Marian shrine at Lourdes has always had a special place in the hearts of Irish people.

Countless Irish pilgrims have made the journey to the shrine for the last 166 years since the apparitions of Our Lady to St. Bernadette in 1858. This year the people of Ireland will have the opportunity to welcome the spirit of Lourdes and St. Bernadette to a local church in their own diocese.

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This very special, once-in-lifetime event will provide an opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the special gifts and charisms of Lourdes in their diocese. This visit is an opportunity and a way to share the grace of an encounter with Mary as Bernadette experienced it, to find in this encounter peace and joy of heart and to become credible and courageous witnesses of love.

The relics will be in Killaloe Diocese on Monday 9th September and Tuesday 10th September. The Cathedral of Ss. Peter and Paul in Ennis, Co. Clare will welcome the relics on Monday 9th at 10.30am and they will depart for the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Silvermines, Co. Tipperary following the 11am Mass on Tuesday 10th September arriving in Silvermines at 3pm. The relics will remain in Silvermines for veneration until Wednesday 11th September at 12 noon before departing for Limerick Diocese.

During the visit of the relics there will be opportunities for people to come to venerate the relics privately as well as participating in liturgies that will be reminiscent of the Lourdes pilgrimage experience. The intention is to take Lourdes to the faithful, especially those who may not have the ability of going to Lourdes in person. It is in the music, prayer, processions and gestures that this unique spirit will be shared.

Schedule of Events for the Visit of the Relics of St. Bernadette to Killaloe Diocese

Monday 9th September 2024

10.30am – Relics are received into the Cathedral.

11.00am – Mass of welcome for the Relics

11.30am – Veneration of relics and private prayer begins and continues throughout the day.

3.00pm – Praying the Rosary / Veneration continues.

5.00pm – Eucharistic Adoration  Silent prayer / Veneration continues (5pm to 7pm)

7.30pm – Concelebrated Mass

*After Mass, Marian Torchlight Procession in the grounds of the Cathedral.

10.00pm – Night Prayer and Cathedral closes for the night.

Tuesday 10th September 2024

7.00am – Cathedral opens for veneration

7.40am – Mass

8.00am – Veneration of Relics and private prayer (8am to 10.45am)

11.00am – Mass of farewell

*After Mass the Relics are taken to the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes Silvermines Co Tipperary for the second day of welcome in the Killaloe Diocese.

3.00pm – Reception of the Relics into Our Lady of Lourdes Church  Silvermines.

3.30pm – Veneration of the Relics.

6.00pm – The Rosary. Veneration continues

8.00pm – Concelebrated Mass

*After Mass Marian Torchlight Procession

10.00pm – Night Prayer and Church Closes for the night.

Wednesday 11th September 2024

8.00am – Church opens for veneration.

10.00am – Farewell Mass

Veneration after Mass

12noon – The Relics leave the Church on route to Limerick Diocese.

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