
‘DJ of the Year’ award for Clare student journalists

Clare student journalists Daragh Dolan and Jake O’Loughlin have been awarded the ‘DJ of the Year’ award at the annual  ISIC National Student Media...

MIC sending thousands of books to Malawi

The Malawian Ministry of Education has dubbed the ‘Halla’ at Mary Immaculate College Limerick “a space of educational hope” after the College provided the facility for the Midwest Migrant Community Network (MMCN) to pack several thousand books to send to schools and higher education institutions in the southern African country.

MIC hosts Postgraduate Virtual Talks Series

Mary Immaculate College is continuing its special effort to reach out to prospective students online by holding their first Postgraduate Virtual Talks Series from the 10th of February to the 3rd of March. 

Clare lecturer receives prestigious scholarship

A college lecturer from Co Clare, has been awarded a Publication Scholarship by the Royal Irish Academy.