
No local ambulance for seriously ill woman

An ambulance had to be sent 50 kilometres from Ennis to East Clare on Wednesday because local paramedics had been sent to a call in Limerick.

West Clare had no ambulance for seven hours

The entire of west Clare was left without emergency ambulance cover for seven hours yesterday because the HSE was unable to staff a vehicle.

‘Luck of God’ that ambulance was available

A Clare councillor has claimed it was pure luck that an ambulance was available to respond to a woman in labour on Monday because no ambulance was available 24 hours later.

Ambulance service defends emergency cover

The National Ambulance Service (NAS) has defended the level of emergency cover in Clare last weekend and has again blamed short term absenteeism for difficulties providing a full service.

County left with reduced ambulance cover again

Ennis was left with just half it's usual ambulance cover on Saturday night while Kilrush had no emergency ambulance available for several hours. The HSE’s...

Woman recovering after falling on rocky shore

A woman is recovering in hospital after an Irish Coast Guard team was called to recover her from rocks where she had fallen and sustained a head injury.

Paramedics angry over staff shortages

Ambulance paramedics in Clare could be forced to engage in industrial action if the National Ambulance Service (NAS) does not immediately address the serious issue of staff shortages and ageing vehicles.

Fire brigade sent to cardiac arrest call

The fire brigade had to be sent to treat a cardiac arrest patient in north Clare because no ambulance was available at the time. It...

HSE still spending thousands on private ambulances

The University of Limerick Hospitals Group (ULHG) spent over €217,000 on private ambulances in 2014 despite establishing it’s own patient transport service two years ago.