
Average house prices on the rise in Clare

The price of an average three bedroom semi detached house in Clare has risen by 3.45% to €76,667 in the last three months, according to a national survey carried out by Real Estate Alliance.

Deadline looms for third level grant applications

Third level students in Co Clare who haven’t submitted their student grant funding applications for the 2016/2017 academic year are reminded to do so immediately, as the deadline for applications is this Friday, the 8th July.

Traders sought for revamped Ennis market

Clare County Council is inviting expressions of interest from casual traders wishing to offer their product or products for sale at the new indoor market facility currently being developed at Garraunakilla in Ennis.

Fleadh briefing for Ennis businesses

Clare County Council will hold an information briefing for business owners on traffic management arrangements for Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2016 this evening at 6.00pm in The Temple Gate Hotel, Ennis.

Council reject Road Closure application from triathlon company

Clare County Council has announced its decision not to grant a Temporary Road Closure Licence application from Challenge Ireland, the organisers of the Challenge Galway 2016 Triathlon for road closures in the North Clare area on 26th June 2016.
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Clare women hold the purse strings

Sixty two percent of women in Munster take care of the everyday budgeting in households which is higher than the Irish average with men in the region making the big financial decisions.

Drop in unemployment figures

Recent figures are showing less people are signing on to the live register in Co Clare.

Two Clare Credit Unions closing

The doors will close for the final time today in two Clare Credit Unions.