The Lough Derg Marketing group thank all those who supported the events in A Taste of Lough Derg calendar throughout the 2017 summer season.
The food festival of events around the lake continues to grow in popularity since it first began as a pilot project back in 2014 and this year was its most successful to date. From chocolate making to tapas nights, from kayak trips with picnics to historical walks there was something for everyone throughout the summer.
On the 8th November 2017 the Lough Derg Marketing Group will host a breakfast networking event in Larkins Garrykennedy for all the participants and those who are interested in becoming involved.
Special guest speaker on the morning is Cillian Murphy from Loop head Tourism. Cillian is a former fishing skipper and current owner of Blacks restaurant Kilkee, who in 2009 co-founded Loop Head Tourism to ensure that tourism development of the Loop Head Peninsula would take place in a responsible manner with the full backing of the local community. Since then the initiative has won many awards and accolades.
To book your place at the event contact the Tourism Office @ 0761 05 5000 or by email at