

Burren and Lough Derg among ‘best places to holiday’

The Burren and Lough Derg have been named as two of the ‘20 Best Places to Holiday in Ireland 2022’ and both are now in the running for the overall title following the publication of the long list of contenders at the weekend.

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The Burren and Lough Derg were among hundreds of locations which were nominated by close to 1,200 people from across the 32 counties for the title.

The Burren which was one of seven regions to be selected, received six nominations, while Lough Derg, received three. Clare will of course have to share Lough Derg’s success with counties Galway and Tipperary, both of which border the lake. The Irish Times ‘Best Place to Holiday in Ireland’ competition, which is being run in association with Fáilte Ireland, began at the end of April when members of the public were invited to nominate their favourite place to holiday for the award.

The competition last took place in 2013 with the Loop Head Peninsula in County Clare emerging as the eventual winner. Will The Burren or Lough Derg follow its success? As on the previous occasion, each of the nominated locations in this year’s competition was considered by a panel of judges on a range of criteria including natural amenities, built environment, sustainability, tourism services, diversity, a welcome for visitors, transport links, accommodation supply, cost and of course the X factor.

The panel of five judges which includes Nadia El Ferdaoussi, travel blogger; Trevor White, director of the Little Museum of Dublin; Cillian Murphy, county councillor from Loop Head, the 2013 winner; and Rosita Boland, Irish Times journalist – spent hours reading and debating the entries, before selecting the ‘Best 20’.

In the words of the judges The Burren is ‘the real Ireland’, an uncommercialised and unspoilt natural wonder with other brilliant attractions like The Cliffs of Moher and the Aillwee Cave located nearby. For its part Lough Derg and its 125km long shoreline is described as an ‘under-the-radar tourist destination’ with numerous pretty towns and villages dotted around a beautiful and easily accessible natural resource.

The Chair of the Judging Panel, Conor Goodman from The Irish Times said the entries from people all over the island showcased the excellent quality and variety of holiday locations available here.

“While the competition is a celebration of the many great holiday destinations this country has to offer, it also has a serious mission. As well as highlighting areas of natural beauty, we want to see which locations offer the best overall visitor experience, have a wide range of amenities and where care for the environment is a priority. Cost and value are also key considerations in a summer of rising prices and accommodation shortages across Ireland. In The Burren, Lough Derg and the other locations named in the ‘Best 20’ – our judges found these elements are very much to the fore as is the desire to create a warm welcome for people of all ages and backgrounds.”

For information about ‘The Best Places to Holiday in Ireland 2022’ go to Best Place To Holiday – The Irish Times

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