A permanent pump system is being designed by the Office of Public Works to elevate potential flooding of homes in Sixmilbridge, while work has already begun to remove vegetation from the River Garney.
Minister of State for Employment and Small Business, Pat Breen contacted the Minister for State with Responsibility for the OPW Sean Canney regarding concerns about future possible flooding on the Limerick Road and the Gort Na Null Estate in Sixmilebridge. The Garney River and the flood defence embankment on the Limerick Road form part of the Sixmilebridge Certified Drainage Scheme which is the responsibility of the OPW.
Breen said “Work to install permanent water pumps on the Limerick Road is also at an advanced stage. Temporary pumping measures were put in place during last winter’s flooding. The OPW is now investigating the possibility of installing permanent pumps, and is currently designing a pumping system. It is also in liaison with Clare County Council about a suitable site for such a facility. It is hoped that this work will be completed by Spring”. The Clare TD has received assurances from Canney that the OPW will ensure temporary pumps are deployed as in previous years.
“Gort na Null on the other side of the river will also benefit somewhat from the work on the river. Unfortunately this area is not protected by the OPW flood alleviation scheme and no measures are proposed in the draft CFRAMS Flood Risk Management Plan. I am therefore pleased that Clare County Council has installed non-returnable valves on the storm pipes going into the river. I have also suggested that Clare County Council apply for funding under the Minor Works Schemes to provide any other method it deems necessary to prevent any future flooding at Gort na Null”, Breen continued.
“I will also continue to work closely with Fine Gael Cllr John Crowe to ensure the work to prevent any further flooding in these areas is progressed as quickly as possible.”
Cllr Crowe said, “I am delighted with the response of the minister and the OPW. Given the inclement weather and resulting flooding we faced in Sixmilebridge last year, local residents were understandably concerned about this winter and indeed subsequent winters.
He added “The removal of vegetation this winter along with the dredging of the river early next year will also vastly improve the situation. Clare County Council’s installation of non-returnable valves on storm pipes will also give peace of mind to residents.”