

Italian students enjoying Clare food producers

A number of Italian college students are currently enjoying a trip to Ireland during which they’ve been visiting popular local attractions and some of Clare’s best food producers.

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We know how important an internship abroad is, how much this experience represents an extraordinary opportunity for personal and professional growth for students.

After all, this internship in Ireland was born from this awareness and from the consequent commitment and tenacity of the Vincenzo Corrado school director Prof. Angela Petringa, to make available to the students a concrete tool to personalize the training path of her students and to enhance sectorial, linguistic and citizenship skills.

So on the morning of August 28, fifteen students flew from Naples to Dublin to become the protagonists of the European project entitled “Road to Ireland – Shape your future”.

Students of the food, wine and hospitality course, artistic high school and scientific high school, are currently housed in various structures in County Clare , in the heart of green Ireland, the one with lush nature and spectacular landscapes.

Never before have they measured themselves against a reality outside their territorial context and now, on the contrary, they are immersed in a work and cultural reality so far from home. SvetaTour has selected the structures by carefully researching local realities d’exception and starred restaurants that could give the students a professionalizing experience.

With the “Metodo Studenti Vincenti”, Corrado’s students were confronted with a working reality with all the pros and cons of high-level work environments, where the rules are strict and the use of the language is fundamental.

The results were surprising: after a short period of adaptation, these guys are giving their best, in every respect, improving both linguistic and professional performances. Monitored by school and Svetatour tutors, young people have had an opportunity that they will hardly repeat and above all they will never forget.

Not only internships in top hotels and restaurants, but also excursions to discover the area with its natural resources and excellent products: from the award-winning goat cheese farm St Tola to the oyster producers of the Flaggy Shore Oyster; from the Aillwee cave to the magnificent Cliffs of Moher.

Discovering the knowledge and flavours of an Ireland that never ceases to surprise, bringing unique and unrepeatable traditions to life through innovative experiences that with this project the young people are experiencing by immersing themselves in the territories they have encountered.

The journey has allowed the students to experience the world of work, places, artifacts, activities and hospitality that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present of the beautiful county just south of Galway city.

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