

Proposed Abbey Street Carpark Redevelopment Project

Following an extensive stakeholder consultation Clare County Council launched the Ennis 2040 Economic and Spatial Strategy in 2021.

The strategy is an integrated approach to planning which included spatial/ economic /mobility / environmental / flood risk considerations. The strategy will guide the long-term development of Ennis and actively promote investment opportunities.

The Ennis 2040 Designated Activity Company (DAC) was set up to deliver the Ennis 2040 transformational projects in September 2021.

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The Abbey Street Carpark Redevelopment will be the first project of the Ennis 2040 DAC programme of the town centre transformational sites to be delivered. The proposed Abbey Street Carpark Redevelopment project will consist of a large retail and office development in the town centre with extensive landscaping and high-quality public realm. The riverside location (which is being currently used as a car park) is being developed to consolidate the town centre as a retail and commercial regional hub.

The benefits of the project to Ennis include:

Over 100 permanent jobs once completed.

200 jobs during construction.

Create a town centre footfall of 20,000 shoppers per week.

Transform the Abbey Street area into a vibrant attractive area to work and shop.

Support the continued commercial viability of town centre retail and business.

Delivery of an accessible office facility which will be attractive to multinational start-ups.

Delivery of a large retail outlet which will complement the existing mix of retail in Ennis and strengthen the attractiveness of Ennis as a retail destination.

Substantial investment into the facilities and public realm in The Abbey Street area.

Ennis 2040 DAC has commenced master planning on a number of sites in 2022. It is intended to begin public consultation on those plans in Q1 2023. It is proposed to lodge a Planning application for Abbey Street by mid-2023. To offset any loss of Car parking in Abbey Street a planning application for an interim carpark will be lodged by Clare County Council in the first half of 2023 for the site on the corner Francis Street and the Causeway link road.

The Abbey Street Carpark Redevelopment project is part of an overall delivery strategy to revitalise the Ennis town centre and deliver a unique experience for those living, working, shopping and visiting Ennis through the implementation of the agreed Ennis 2040 Economic and Spatial Strategy.

The strategy is focused on promoting sustainable economic development for the benefit of Ennis Town and its people. All proposed Ennis 2040 developments are fully co-ordinated and sequenced with other Clare County Council projects planned for the town centre to minimise disruption and impacts of any anticipated works.

The COO of Ennis 2040 Kevin Corrigan said that ”the Ennis 2040 team and Clare County Council are working hard to deliver on the vision of a vibrant and sustainable town centre for future generations. Ennis 2040 will be commencing extensive public consultations on the proposed town centre projects in the near future and we look forward to engaging with local communities and businesses”.

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