
Funeral arrangements for tragic motorcyclist confirmed

A motorcyclist has died in a road traffic collision in Co Clare.

Fire crews deal with chemical incident in Ennis

Emergency services have dealt with a chemical incident in a housing estate in Ennis this evening.

Town centre sealed off after sheet of metal discovered...

A section of Ennis town centre was sealed off this afternoon in the interest of public safety after a large sheet of metal was discovered in dangerous position on the chimney of three storey building.

No ambulance available for seriously ill man

A man who collapsed in West Clare on Monday evening was left waiting for an ambulance for over an hour and almost two hours before he was transported to hospital.

Road worker injured after being struck by car

A road worker has been injured after he was struck by a car at a work site on a busy road in Co Clare this afternoon.

Two escape unhurt from apartment fire

A mother and son escaped injury this evening after a fire broke out in their Ennis apartment.

Cargo jet in emergency landing at Shannon

A transatlantic cargo flight made an emergency landing at Shannon Airport this morning after the crew reported a possible fire on board.

Man fatally injured in East Clare collision

One person has died and another injured in a road traffic collision in Co Clare this morning.

One injured in M18 collision

One person was hospitalised and the M18 motorway between Clare and Galway closed for a time this afternoon following two road traffic collisions at the same location.