
Investment in Ballyalla to provide amenity for people of...

€100,000 is to be spent on festivals and events in Ennis this year while a signifcant investment is being made towards Ballyalla Lake.

‘Impossible to cross the road’ at Cahercalla Cross

Pedestrians are finding it increasingly difficult to cross the road from Kilrush Cross to Cahercalla Cross due to the speed cars driving by are travelling at.

Family nearly wiped out at Clareabbey roundabout

An entire family was closed to being “wiped out” at one of the busiest roundabouts in the county recently due to the speed of oncoming motorists.

Quin’s increasing use by cyclists prompts call for VMS...

An influx in the use of Quin as a cycling destination has prompted a proposal seeking the introduction of VMS signs.

Daly wants site specifically for staff parking in Ennis

Cllr Pat Daly is leading the call for a site to be put in place with its sole purpose being for the use of parking by individuals employed in Ennis.

Flooding risk at Corrovorrin Avenue being examined

Solutions to an annual flooding risk in one Ennis housing estate are currently being examined by Clare County Council.

Fleadh street lights affected Garda CCTV investigations

Festive lighting which was decorated around the main streets of Ennis during Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann affected CCTV footage that Gardaí were investigating at...

Reopening Ennis A&E will take patients off trolleys

Elected representatives of the Ennis Municipal District want to see the accident and emergency unit at the county’s hospital reopened.

Howard wants fried eggs on the menu at Claureen

Fine Gael Cllr Mary Howard is leading the call for the installation of mini roundabouts (fried eggs) at Claureen.