
Eric Trump visits Doonbeg with US business group

As confirmation of a visit by the US President to Co Clare is awaited, Donald Trump’s son Eric dropped into the family’s property in Doonbeg this weekend.

Eric Trump plays Lahinch golf club

Security was tight in Lahinch yesterday where a son of US President Donald Trump played golf with friends.

Conditional permission granted for Trump’s Doonbeg wall

US President Donald Trump's Co Clare golf course has been granted permission to proceed with works to prevent further coastal erosion.

Hopes that more business groups will visit Doonbeg

The General Manager of the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel is hopeful that more business groups will visit the West Clare resort and believes the revenue they bring benefits the local area and region.

Security tight in Doonbeg for Eric Trump visit

Security is tight around Trump International Golf Links and Hotel in Co Clare today where a son of US President Donald Trump has arrived with a group of US business people.

Eric Trump returns to US after Doonbeg visit

The son of US President Donald Trump has returned to the US after hosting several meetings at his family’s five star resort in west Clare.

Eric Trump arrives in Doonbeg for meetings

Security is tight around Trump International Golf Links and Hotel in Doonbeg where Eric Trump, son of US President Donald Trump, arrived this afternoon.

Donald Trump distances himself from Doonbeg with resignation

US President Donald Trump has resigned as director of the two companies operating Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland.

Trump expects 2017 to be ‘banner year’ for Doonbeg...

Owners of the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel Ireland expect a “banner year” in 2017 for the Doonbeg resort.